2023-2024 Events


6 December 2023: Book Seminar
Centrist Anti-Establishment Parties and their Struggle for Survival
Speaker: Sarah Engler (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Discussants: Sean Hanley (University College London) and Natascha Neudorfer (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)

Chair and Convenor: Tim Haughton (University of Birmingham)

29 November 2023: Panel
Democratic Resilience in Latin America: Contemporary Argentina, Brazil, and Peru in comparison
Speakers: Rachel Schwartz (University of Oklahoma), Jorge Liotti (La Nación), and Manoel Gehrke (University of Birmingham).

Chair: Tim Haughton (University of Birmingham)

Convenor: Manoel Gehrke (University of Birmingham)

26 October 2023: Guest Lecture
Guest Lecture with Professor Anand Menon
Speaker: Anand Menon

23 October 2023: Session on Funding and Collaborations
Let’s Think about Funding: Writing Proposals for ESRC DTP Strategic Joint and Collaborative Studentships
Convenors: Will Daniel (University of Nottingham), Tim Haughton (University of Birmingham), and Anthony Kevins (Loughborough University).

11 October 2023: Kick-off lunch and panel
Quotas in Context: Gender and Elections in Sierra Leone, India, and Europe
Panellists: Laura Martin, Carole Spary and William Daniel

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